About Eric Singer and His Services
Eric's Story![]() Over the last 38 years, Eric's life goal has been to have the ability to meet any challenge with pause, thought, and then action.
Eric began his studies in hypnosis at the age of 18. While at San Diego State University, in 1974, he and some friends went to see a hypnosis stage performer. Mesmerized by the performer, Eric enrolled into the performer’s next self-hypnosis course. From the course, he learned that “if he could picture himself in his mind's eye a certain way (a positive self image), he would become that person.” Click to read more from Eric Singer's Story. Sports Excellence
Sports hypnosis is used by the top performing professional athletes and Olympic Gold medalist. Sports psychology is the mental part of your training to compliment your physical workout. Eric Singer can provide these same successful techniques to help you achieve sports excellence. Click to read more about our Sports excellence and sports hypnosis services
How Does Hypnosis Work?
We take in experiences, positive and negative, into our subconscious. Our subconscious then draws a link between an outside event and a direct pathway -- a neuro pathway, a chemical pathway -- into our subconscious for a certain reaction to that outside event. In hypnosis, you become hyper-suggestible, allowing yourself to accept certain suggestions that you want. These suggestions are generally ones that you yourself have made because we are mostly suggestible to ourselves. These suggestions create new experiences into our subconscious, creating new neuro pathways, and therefore, an outside stimulus will lead to a more desirable response. |
What Does Hypnosis Feel Like?
Hypnosis feels like the place between awake and asleep that we experience every night with the exception that as our body relaxes, our mind can become super aware, taking in all the sounds around us. Click to read more about hypnosis for behavioral change. |
Emotional Freedom Technique
The Cause of Negative Emotions is a Disruption in the Body's Energy System.
When someone has been traumatized or completely overwhelmed, they can actually freeze in the moment. The mind cannot take in all the information so it becomes detached and shuts down. The emotion is then downloaded into the body creating a disruption in our energy system. |
Are Your Negative Emotions Getting to You?
A disruption in the body's energy system is the cause of negative emotions. A simple thought can bring up emotions of fear, anger, guilt and even physical pain as a by-product of a disruption. To illustrate this better, we have an emotional thought and an electrical zap! of the feeling that is associated with the emotion and then the resulting reaction to it. This is the result of a unmanaged, negative thought process. With EFT, we can still have the thought, but we have significantly reduced or eliminated that zap! and the emotion that is associated with it; and, therefore, we can respond without that zap! or the fear or anger or guilt or anything else that may have been associated with that event in the past. |
EFT Addresses What Happens in the Body.
We use a process of tapping on the body's acupressure and acupuncture points to release the disruption in our energy system. While "tapping" on the tapping points, on your head, neck and center and points on the hand, and bringing up the negative thought, it is possible to clear away the disruptions and the negative emotions that are associated with that disruption. A thought thatcarries emotions such as fear, anger, guilt, pain can all be reduced or eliminated by EFT. Upon completion of one session of EFT, the client will leave with the knowledge and information to self administer the EFT process. You may still have the thought but you have either significantly reduced or eliminated the electrical zap that comes with it. After EFT, you will be able to react without the zap, fear, anger or guilt that may have been associated with a negative thought in the past. |
Our bodies have a circulatory system, skeletal system and also an electrical system.
It is this energy/electrical system, which can be measured by EKG (heart) and EEG (brain), that flows through our bodies. Energy flows in our bodies through tiny pathways called "meridians." The memory is therefore not just recorded in the mind but is downloaded as a disruption in the electrical system as well. EFT releases this disruption. Read more about Emotional Freedom technique (EFT)
Informative Power Talks
Informative Talks
Eric is available for informative discussions and demonstrations of the practical applications of hypnosis and EFT. Eric offers 20-Minute Power Talks, One-Hour Lunch and Learn, Sports Preparation, and Executive Luncheons as well as full-day workshops. You will find that the open and informative formats will be a truly enlightening experience. Every talk informs, educates and shares the knowledge and holistic self-help tools so you may move from the behavior you have to the behavior you want. Click to read more about Eric Singer's upcoming events
Eric is available for informative discussions and demonstrations of the practical applications of hypnosis and EFT. Eric offers 20-Minute Power Talks, One-Hour Lunch and Learn, Sports Preparation, and Executive Luncheons as well as full-day workshops. You will find that the open and informative formats will be a truly enlightening experience. Every talk informs, educates and shares the knowledge and holistic self-help tools so you may move from the behavior you have to the behavior you want. Click to read more about Eric Singer's upcoming events