The trance state is healing in itself
The days following trance, you sleep and feel so much better
You could resolve all kinds of problems holding you back from achieving your full potential
You can see results fairly quickly
Hypnosis is often defined as an "altered state of consciousness" (which can sound scary) but it really just means that you are very focused on one specific thought while the rest of your mind (conscious) is quiet and your body totally relaxed. A better definition I saw recently was "controlled daydreaming" which definitely gives a much better impression of the trance state. We all love daydreaming - being in a zone where you are so focused on one thought that the rest of the world around you just seem to disappear. Some people daydream a lot more than others, but we all have the innate ability to daydream. During hypnosis this daydreaming is just controlled to allow healing / growth to take place.